
  • Automating Deployments Github Actions With Cloudflare Workers ~

    In today's live stream, we successfully implemented automatic deployments for our Cloudflare Worker using GitHub Actions. We covered setting up the workflow, scripting the deployment commands, and managing configurations, thereby enhancing our CI/CD pipeline for more efficient and reliable deployments.

  • Finalizing Useauth Hook Streamlining Token Refresh In React ~

    In today's live stream, we finalized the `useAuth` React hook, enhancing our application's authentication flow. We meticulously coded and refined the process of handling token refreshes, ensuring seamless and secure user sessions in our React app. This session provided in-depth knowledge and practical strategies for managing authentication state effectively in modern web applications.

  • Implementing Refresh Token Exchange And Advancing The React App ~

    In today's live stream, we successfully implemented the refresh token mechanism in our React application, focusing on secure and efficient user session management. We delved into coding the process of obtaining new access tokens, ensuring continuous and secure user authentication in our full-stack application.

  • Advancing React App Implementing Token Refresh With Cloudflare Worker Api ~

    In today's live stream, we focus on enhancing our React application by implementing the refresh token functionality. We detailed the process of securely sending refresh tokens to our Cloudflare Worker API and handling the reception of new access tokens. This session offered practical insights into managing token lifecycles and maintaining secure user sessions in full-stack applications.

  • Live Coding React Meets Cloudflare Worker Api ~

    In today's live stream, we successfully integrated a React frontend with our API built on Cloudflare Workers. The session provided a comprehensive guide on setting up a React application and connecting it to a serverless backend, showcasing the seamless interaction between frontend and backend in a modern full-stack application.

  • Enhancing Security Implementing Jwt Denial Lists In Cloudflare D1 ~

    In today's live stream, we focused on adding an extra layer of security to our JWT implementation. We accomplished this by adding used refresh tokens to a denial list in the Cloudflare D1 database, effectively blocking their reuse. We also discussed and potentially implemented measures to block access tokens, ensuring comprehensive security against token misuse in our serverless environment.

  • I lived stream the building of this site ~

    In our latest live stream, we successfully completed the refactoring of models and routers, and implemented advanced JWT security features using the Cloudflare D1 database. The session focused on enhancing the application's security by adding JWT refresh and deny lists, demonstrating the practical use of the D1 database for secure and efficient token management in a serverless environment.

  • Deep Dive Into Jwt And Cloudflare D1 Database Integration ~

    In our latest stream, we focused heavily on implementing JWT authentication and delving into the capabilities of the Cloudflare D1 database. We explored the intricacies of secure user authentication with JWTs and how to leverage the D1 database within a serverless environment for efficient data storage and retrieval. This session provided valuable insights for those interested in advanced serverless architectures and database integration.

  • Exploring Further Cloudflare Services Adventure Continues ~

    In today's live stream, we continued our exploration of Cloudflare services, building upon our existing work and branching out to other potential Cloudflare offerings. The session was a blend of revisiting and experimenting, where we not only recapped our progress but also explored new possibilities within the Cloudflare ecosystem. This provided a broader view of how various Cloudflare services can be integrated for more dynamic and robust web solutions.

  • Continuing Hono Api Experimentation And Jwt Implementation In Cloudflare Worker ~

    Today's live stream continued our journey with the Hono framework in Cloudflare Workers, focusing on further API development and the implementation of JWT authentication. We explored the practical aspects of building and securing APIs in a serverless environment, demonstrating the integration and effectiveness of JWT in real-time. The session provided valuable insights into advanced features of Hono and the robust security mechanisms available with JWT in Cloudflare Workers.

  • Exploring Cloudflare Workers D1 Database And Rest Api With Hono Framework ~

    This recent live stream covered a deep dive into Cloudflare Workers and the Cloudflare D1 database, integrating these with the Hono framework to create REST APIs. This session provided practical insights into using Cloudflare's serverless technology stack for building efficient web applications. The focus was on understanding the intricacies of these technologies and their application in real-world scenarios, offering viewers a detailed guide to developing with Cloudflare's latest offerings.

  • First Dive Into Cloudflare Workers And Wrangler Cli Exploring With Devops Dave ~

    Today's exploration into Cloudflare Workers and the Wrangler command line tool marks an exciting venture into uncharted territories. As a beginner in these realms, I ventured through the setup and deployment of Workers, discovering the power of executing code on Cloudflare's edge servers. This journey, filled with both triumphs and challenges, offers insights and lessons valuable for anyone curious about the potential of edge computing. Join me in unraveling the possibilities of serverless functions and experiencing the efficiency of working closer to the user.

  • Cloudflare Pages with Functions and KV Store ~

    Delve into the exciting world of Jekyll static site development, now taking a giant leap with Cloudflare Pages! 🌐✨ In today's live stream, we'll review the progress we've made so far on our Jekyll static site. You'll get an inside look at how we've seamlessly deployed our site on Cloudflare Pages, ensuring high performance and scalability.

  • Jekyll in Action Frontend Development for Backend Engineers ~

    A live coding session where we dive into a Jekyll website and frontend development from a backend engineer's perspective. πŸš€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Today, we'll explore more about static site generation with Jekyll, building on from yesterday's stream. Watch a backend engineer navigate the intriguing world of frontend engineering. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make fun of me, ask your burning questions, and most importantly, learn something new.

  • I lived stream the building of this site ~

    Live stream of building this site with Jekyll and Cloudflare Pages. I streamed to Kick and YouTube today to build this amazing website. It's built with Jekyll and hosted with Cloudflare Pages.