Automating Deployments Github Actions With Cloudflare Workers


Dive into today's DevOps Dave stream as we embark on automating our deployment process using GitHub Actions for our Cloudflare Worker. This session is all about enhancing our CI/CD pipeline, ensuring that our code gets deployed efficiently and reliably to Cloudflare Workers every time we push changes.

We'll walk through setting up a GitHub Actions workflow, explaining each step to automate the deployment of our Cloudflare Worker. Expect a detailed guide on scripting deployment commands, managing secrets and environment variables, and troubleshooting common issues that arise during automation.

This stream is perfect for developers looking to streamline their deployment process and embrace the full potential of CI/CD with GitHub Actions and Cloudflare Workers. Whether you're a CI/CD veteran or just starting, you'll gain valuable insights into automating and optimizing your deployment workflows.

Prepare for an informative session filled with best practices, live coding, and real-time problem-solving. Your participation and questions are highly encouraged, making this an interactive and enriching experience for all.

The Streams




#GitHubActions CloudflareWorkers CICD DevOpsDave Automation Deployment Serverless CodingLive TechStream WebDevelopment

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Implementing Refresh Token Exchange And Advancing The React App ~
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